Easy-to-Follow Tutorial: Revive Your Iron with Baking Soda! Check Out the Method Breakdown


  1. Create a paste by mixing 1 tablespoon of water with 2 tablespoons of baking soda. It should be a slightly runny consistency that sticks to the iron's plate.
  2. Apply the paste to the cooled iron's plate, either all over or on specific dirty areas. Spread it generously and allow it to sit for a few minutes if there's a lot of buildup.
  3. Dampen a clean cloth and use it to wipe off the paste from the iron's plate.
  4. Clean the steam holes using cotton swabs dipped in distilled water. Replace swabs if necessary due to gunk buildup.
  5. Empty any old water from the iron's reservoir. Refill it with distilled or filtered water, or a mixture of water and white vinegar (follow iron's manual).
  6. Turn on the iron to its highest setting with steam activated. The heat and steam will clear out mineral deposits and debris from the steam holes.
  7. Iron a clean cloth for a few minutes to further clean the iron, using the steam function if available.
  8. Turn off the iron, place it on a protected surface, and let it cool. Remove any remaining water from the reservoir.

By following these steps, you can effectively clean your iron and maintain its performance.